> certs/yourdomain.com.pem * Enter the passphrase (if you used one) below. * */ $config['certificate_file'] = ''; $config['certificate_passphrase'] = ''; // IP address to listen to (leave commented out to listen on all interfaces) //$config['ip'] = ""; // Port to listen on (1965 is the default) //$config['port'] = "1965"; // This is the location files are served from // The path is constructed based on the hostname in the client request // i.e. gemini://domain1.com/file1 is retrieved from hosts/domain1.com/file1 //$config['data_dir'] = "hosts/"; //$config['default_host_dir'] = "default/"; // Default index file. If a path isn't specified then the server will // default to an index file (like index.html on a web server). //$config['default_index_file'] = "index.gemini"; // Logging, setting this to false will disable logging (default is on/true); //$config['logging'] = true; //$config['log_file'] = "logs/gemini-php.log"; ?>