descriptionFanta Dos Disks
last changeSat, 24 Jul 2021 23:24:05 +0000 (01:24 +0200)
2021-07-24 fantashadowlands in english. 1 floppy disk master
2021-06-01 fantanew game: colonization . english
2021-04-30 fantaday of the tentacle. spanish - sha256
2021-04-30 fantaday of the tentacle. spanish
2021-03-08 fantabattle chess
2021-03-08 fantaAmazon disquetes en spanish
2021-03-07 fantawaxwork en spanish
2021-03-01 fantamortal kombat original con proteccion
2021-02-28 fantamonkey island 2
2021-02-16 fantamaniac mansions with two floppy disks
2021-02-16 fantaHexen game with 7 floppy disks
2021-02-14 fantala historia interminable II
2021-02-07 fantaupload new game. kq5 in spanish with original floppy... origin/develop
2021-01-16 fantamain info
2021-01-16 fantainfo server side
2021-01-16 fantachange repository
2 years ago master