[index] welcome = "Welcome to the instance" register = 'How i can create my own account?' about = "What is SMail?" how = "How i can use it?" where = "Where i found the code?" license = "What's its the license of SMail" register_c = "You can register your own account here" about_c = "SMail is a web based mail, easy to install and use" how_c = "You can login here here and if you now are login you can send messages here and see your mailbox here" where_c= "Project Code on Git" license_c = "SMail was Licensed by GPL V3, The complete name of the project is Secure Mail." [login] incorrect = "The_user_or_the_password_are_incorrect" correct = "Loged succefully" postlogin_submit = "Sign in" [send] content = "Content" send = "Send" [mbox] dhave = "You dont have any message's" note = "Note: The horarie zone of this server are UTC-3" send = "Send a message" change = "Change password" or = "or" [gmail] sender = "Sender" content = "Contenido" success = "Success" return = "Return" read = "Mark as read" invalid_id = "Invalid ID" or = "or" [new] already = "This user was already taken" user = "User created, your new smail are " [reg] submit = "Sign up"